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Balanced Assessment

It is vital that each unit plan has a balanced system of assessment. To this end, we have ensured that our interdisciplinary unit incorporates Assessment for Learning, Assessment as Learning, and Assessment of Learning.

Balanced Assessment

It is vital that each unit plan has a balanced system of assessment. To this end, we have ensured that our interdisciplinary unit incorporates Assessment for Learning, Assessment as Learning, and Assessment of Learning.

“The focus of assessment is on what a student can do rather than what a student cannot do”

(Alberta Education, 2009).

Assessment for Learning

Through assessment for learning, teachers are constantly assessing how their students have understood the concepts taught in class. They check for misconceptions and for gaps in learning. This informs their teaching practice and helps them make changes so they can meet the needs of all their students. Successful assessment for learning reflects good teaching practice and this unit plan gives space for this. The large amount of group work and collaboration between students creates an environment where the teacher can rotate among groups, observe and listen to their interactions and assess understanding. Misconceptions can be addressed at a group level as the teacher joins the small group, or at the class level with a short mini lesson if needed. The student journal also provides continuous evidence of each student’s learning.

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